How to Get a Perfect Score in the Reading Comprehension Section of the AP Spanish Exam

Interpretative Communication – Print Texts:

For this section, you will need to read a series of printed passages. These texts may be literary works or come from everyday sources like magazines and newspapers. The texts may also include graphs, tables or maps. For this part of the test, you will be provided with 40 minutes and it will count for 25% of your final grade.

Tips on how to score a 5 in the multiple-choice questions of reading comprehension:

  1. To start, skim the text to see what the general topic that is being discussed is. Later, look at the questions to see what type of information you need to look out for.
  2. Once you start to read the text, make sure to underline important information and details.
  3. If you are unsure of an answer to a question, mark it so you can come back to it, once you have answered the rest.
  4. If you are not sure of the answer, try eliminating answers you are sure are not the correct answer and make as much of an educated guess as you can.
  5. You do not receive any penalty for wrong answers. If time is running out, make sure to give an answer to all the questions. Don’t leave any blank answers.
  6. If you are unsure about the meaning of a word, try to put the word into context and make an educated guess.

Once you have covered this section, make sure to visit the most informative guide on how to prepare for the AP Spanish Language and Culture exam.