Spanish Practice: Pronouns, Articles and General Vocabulary


  1. Yo = I
  2. Tú = You
  3. Vos = You (Informal)
  4. Usted = You (Formal)
  5. Ustedes = You (Plural)
  6. Ella = She
  7. Él = He
  8. Ellos = They (Male) (Group of male and female)
  9. Ellas = They (Female)
  10. Nosotros = We/Us


  1. El (El carro) = The (The car) (Male)
  2. La (La pelota) = The (The ball) (Female)
  3. Los (Los carros) = The (The cars) (Male)(Plural)
  4. Las (Las pelotas) = The (The balls) (Female)(Plural)

General Vocabulary


  1. Uno = One
  2. Dos = Two
  3. Tres = Three
  4. Cuatro = Four
  5. Cinco = Five
  6. Seis = Six
  7. Siete = Seven
  8. Ocho = Eight
  9. Nueve = Nine
  10. Diez = Ten


  1. Rojo = Red
  2. Amarillo =Yellow
  3. Azul = Blue
  4. Verde = Green
  5. Morado = Purple

Clothing Vocabulary

*Please note that some of these vocabulary words may depend on the country you are in. For example, in Guatemala “camisa” may be used most commonly to refer to a shirt, while in Bolivia the most common word for a shirt is “polera”.

  1. Zapato = Shoe
  2. Camisa = Shirt
  3. Pantalón = Pants
  4. Falda = Skirt
  5. Suéter = Sweater
  6. Chaqueta = Jacket
  7. Blusa = Blouse
  8. Traje = Suit
  9. Calcetines = Socks
  10. Pijama = Pijama
  11. Sombrero = Hat
  12. Botas = Boots
  13. Sandalias = Sandals


  1. Grande = Big/Large
  2. Mediano = Medium
  3. Pequeño = Small
  4. Enorme = Huge
  5. Miniatura = Miniature